DER SPIEGEL - InternationalВт, 23 июл
Deutschlands fuhrende Nachrichtenseite. Alles Wichtige aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr.

1. Keeping the Peace on Camelback: Mauritania's Secret to StabilityВт, 23 июл[-/+]
Many countries in the Sahel have descended into chaos and violence. But one country on the western edge of the region has proven remarkably stable. In Mauritania, soldiers on camelback protect a fragile peace.

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2. Trump Almighty: The Republican Party Deifies The DonaldПн, 22 июл[-/+]
The GOP convention in Milwaukee made it clear that Donald Trump is more than just a candidate. For supporters, he is a religious figure. But Trump's talk of national unity may have been informed by base politics.

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3. Russian Tech Billionaire Arkady Volozh: "Europe Should Be Smart Enough to Use These People Who Fled Russia"Пт, 19 июл[-/+]
Russian tech entrepreneur Arkady Volozh turned the search engine Yandex into a multi-billion-dollar company. Now, he has left Putin's empire for Amsterdam. His next move? AI, made in Europe.

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4. Edmundo Gonzalez: The Retiree Who Could Take Down Venezuela's DictatorЧт, 18 июл[-/+]
Venzuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro has led his country into financial ruin and sidelined the opposition. Now, an virtually unknown retiree is running against him. Will he succeed?

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5. Star Economist Acemoglu Discusses Trump: "It's Likely To Be Much Worse Now Than Eight Years Ago"Ср, 17 июл[-/+]
The U.S. economist Daron Acemoglu accuses center-left parties of having betrayed the interests of their core supporters. And warns that if Trump wins the election this fall, the situation could become worse than even during his first term in office.

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6. The Supreme Court's Immunity Ruling: "No One Can Guarantee that Trump Is the Last Maniacal Sociopath Who Will Want Power in America"Чт, 11 июл[-/+]
Renowned Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe is appalled by the recent Supreme Court ruling granting U.S. presidents immunity for "official acts." He believes the step to a dictatorship is a small one.

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7. Former Saudi Intelligence Chief: "We Have Nothing to Apologize For"Чт, 11 июл[-/+]
Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal has long been explaining his country to outside observers. In an interview, he discusses the war in Gaza, the possible return of Donald Trump and women's rights in Saudi Arabia.

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8. The Fight for the White House: Sliding Toward a Trump Dictatorship?Вт, 09 июл[-/+]
The closer the election in the United States comes, the clearer Donald Trump's authoritarian plans are becoming. The world's oldest democracy is preparing for the return of a president who sees democracy as the enemy.

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9. Gaza City: Possible War Crime - Why Did Israel Bomb This Residential Building?Пн, 01 июл[-/+]
At least 129 people died in the Burj al-Taj 3, a residential building in Gaza City, when Israeli warplanes struck in one of the deadliest strikes this war has seen. DER SPIEGEL has reconstructed what took place on that day in October, who the victims were and how the survivors have managed to continue.

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10. A Holocaust Survivor Speaks of Her Anger: "It's Difficult to Put Up with These Old Germans"Пн, 01 июл[-/+]
As a young child, Eva Umlauf spent several months in Auschwitz. Today, she speaks to German schoolchildren and is a sought-after orator for commemoration ceremonies. She still can't forgive the Germans.

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11. A Prisoner of War Describes Captivity in Russia: "At Night, I Prayed I Wouldn't Survive to the Next Day"Пн, 24 июн[-/+]
When Russia invaded Ukraine, Oleksiy Anulya reported for military duty. Russian soldiers took him prisoner. How does one survive hunger, torture and rape? Here, a former prisoner of war tells his story.

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12. Italy: An Abandoned Italian Village Gets New LifeВт, 18 июн[-/+]
An aging Italian woman has teamed up with a young migrant from Mali to breathe new life into an abandoned village in Calabria. Might it be an antidote to rural flight?

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13. England Captain Harry Kane: "People Have Always Thought I Wasn't Good Enough"Вт, 18 июн[-/+]
Harry Kane is hoping that his first-ever title will come in the form of a European Championship. Here, DER SPIEGEL speaks with the English star about his team's chances, his first year at Bayern Munich and the art of scoring goals.

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14. Putin's Invasion of Ukraine: Are Airbus Satellite Images Helping Russia Wage War?Пн, 17 июн[-/+]
A satellite snaps a photo, and a short time later a missile hits its target: Military experts fear that Russia is taking advantage of images produced by Airbus. The company denies it – but there are some curious parallels.

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15. My Jewish Family History: The Optimists Ended Up in AuschwitzПн, 10 июн[-/+]
Our author knew that his great-grandfather was murdered in Auschwitz. But he didn't know what it was like to live with the constant fear of becoming stateless. Until he suddenly received a letter from the United States.

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16. Fortress Europe: Migrants Abandoned on the Edge of the SaharaВт, 04 июн[-/+]
In Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, migrants are brought to remote areas and abandoned without food or water - some of them right in the desert. A team of reporters from DER SPIEGEL and elsewhere found that the EU is not only aware of the practice - but finances the agencies responsible.

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17. Israel-Gaza-War: Why the Founder of Human Rights Watch Accuses Israel of GenocideВт, 04 июн[-/+]
Aryeh Neier the co-founder and former director of Human Rights Watch. After much consideration, he now believes that it is valid to accuse Israel of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

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18. Populist Push: Europe's Right Wing Eyes a Post-Election AllianceПн, 03 июн[-/+]
Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni are considering joining forces following the European Parliament elections this weekend. A right-wing "super group" could change EU power structures. But would Germany's AfD be part of it?

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19. Rwanda Classified: Europe's Deals with an AutocratПт, 31 мая[-/+]
German conservatives want to negotiate a migration deal with Rwanda and the EU is funding a marketing campaign for the country. But Rwanda is an autocracy that aggressively goes after its detractors, as reporting has shown.

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20. New Hatred for Politicians: Why Are Attacks and Incitement on the Rise in Germany?Пн, 13 мая[-/+]
Violent attacks, arson attacks, death threats: Brutal hostilities against politicians are shaking democracy in Germany. Experts are observing a growing far-right youth culture and are calling for more protection, especially for public officials in local authorities.

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