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1. Fresh from the Trading Room: Let the Rotation BeginСр, 17 июл[-/+]
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In the latest report, Inspirante Trading Solutions explores the fundamental and technical drivers of market rotation from tech dominance into small caps, following CPI data for June.

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2. Scaling Risk Exposure with Corporate Bond FuturesСр, 17 июл[-/+]
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Find out how investment grade and high yield corporate bonds correlate with U.S. Treasuries and equities, and the risk, return structure of these debt instruments.

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3. Q3 2024 Metals UpdateВт, 16 июл[-/+]
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Find out the latest news and updates on the CME Group Metals market, including the continued growth we are seeing with our Precious Metals products.

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4. Q3 2024 Agricultural UpdateВт, 16 июл[-/+]
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Explore volume, open interest and other trading highlights across the suite of Agricultural futures and options with the Q3 2024 Agricultural Update.

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5. Fresh from the Trading Room: To the east and to the farmsСр, 03 июл[-/+]
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While the U.S. equity market presents a challenging picture with overheated tech stocks and volatility on the horizon, Inspirante Trading Solutions explores promising opportunities in Japan and the commodities market for risk-reward balance.

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6. Corporate Bonds Risks, Returns Vs. Equities, TreasuriesЧт, 27 июн[-/+]
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How do investment-grade corporate bonds measure up in terms of returns and risks when compared to equities and Treasuries?

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7. Nasdaq's Stellar Returns, Potential Risks AheadВт, 25 июн[-/+]
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A look at the Nasdaq's outstanding return on investment over the past 25 years and challenges that might lie ahead.

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8. Fresh from the Trading Room: Corn, Cattle, CanadaСб, 22 июн[-/+]
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Bank of Canada's recent interest rate cut, the first among G7 central banks, could be a harbinger of similar actions by other central banks in developed economies. The shift towards looser monetary policy could have significant implications for commodities.

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9. Managing Pensions in a Changed Macro EnvironmentСр, 12 июн[-/+]
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There has been a radical change to the dream environment of long-only U.S. equity and bond portfolios.

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10. CME Group's Expansion into Fixed Income Markets: The BenefitsВт, 11 июн[-/+]
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Learn about the expanded benefits to clients as CME Group expands its fixed income offering with solutions for managing credit and mortgage exposure.

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По авторам:
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• CME Group (2)
• Eric Leininger (1)
• Erik Norland (4)
• Inspirante Trading Solutions (3)